'Image Gallery'에 해당되는 글 1건




GalleryView is in active development, and new features are being implemented on a regular basis. Below is a list of currently implemented options, as well as a list of options I plan on implementing as development continues.

Implemented Options

optiontypedefault valuedescription
transition_speedint1000the duration of photo transition animations in milliseconds.
transition_intervalint4000the delay between automated slideshow transitions in milliseconds.
easingstring'swing'the easing method used in photo and thumbnail animations. any custom easing method may be used.
show_panelsbooleantrueflag to toggle display of main photo panel. set to false to create a carousel-style gallery. (not fully implemented)
show_panel_navbooleantrueflag to toggle display of next and previous buttons in the gallery panel.
enable_overlaysbooleanfalseflag to toggle display of informational image overlays.
panel_widthint800width of image panel in pixels.
panel_heightint400height of image panel in pixels.
panel_animationstring'fade'the animation method used for panel image transitions. Options are 'fade', 'crossfade', 'slide'
panel_scalestring'crop'the scaling method for panel images. Options are 'crop', 'fit'.
overlay_positionstring'bottom'the positioning of informational panel overlays. Options are 'bottom', 'top'
pan_imagesbooleanfalseflag to toggle drag-based panning of oversized panel images.
pan_stylestring'drag'panning method used. 'drag' = user clicks and drags image to pan, 'track' = image automatically pans based on mouse position
start_frameint1index indicating which image to display when gallery loads
show_filmstripbooleantrueflag to toggle display of navigation filmstrip.
show_filmstrip_navbooleantrueflag to toggle display of filmstrip-based navigation buttons.
enable_slideshowbooleantrueflag to toggle play/pause button and ability to start/stop slideshow
autoplaybooleanfalseflag to automatically start slideshow when gallery loads
filmstrip_positionstring'bottom'location of filmstrip in relation to panel. Options are 'top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right'.
frame_widthint70width of filmstrip frames in pixels.
frame_heightint40height of filmstrip frames in pixels.
frame_opacityfloat0.4the default opacity of filmstrip frames (range 0.0 - 1.0)
frame_scalestring'crop'the scaling method for frame images. Options are 'crop', 'fit'.
frame_gapint5distance between frames in pixels.
show_captionsbooleanfalseflag to toggle display of frame captions (populated by image's titleattribute).
show_infobarbooleantrueflag to toggle display of image counter bar.
infobar_opacityfloat1.0the default opacity of infobar (range 0.0 - 1.0)

Future Options

optionintended function
overlay_opacityTo allow the creation of translucent overlays by setting the opacity of the overlay's container.
pan_styleTo provide the option of multiple panning methods, including the current 'drag' method as well as a 'track' method where the image pans as the mouse moves within the gallery.
pan_smoothnessTo allow the user to control the speed and smoothness of 'track' style panning.
start_imageTo allow the user to load the gallery on an arbitrary image.
filmstrip_sizeDefine number of images visible in filmstrip-only, carouself style galleries.

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